第3節、亞西西事件(Assisi I & II)


Inter-Religious Meetings of Assisi 1986 and 2002)


1、1986 年10月26日,達賴喇嘛的門徒在公教祭台上崇拜菩薩雕像(The Disciples of the Dalai Lama worship a statue of Buddha on the Catholic Altar)

2、2002 年1月25日,沒有神聖彌撒的基督徒的祈禱(Prayer of the Christian Religions,but no Holy Mass!)

3、非基督宗教的禱告(Prayer of the non-Christian Religions)

 二、2002 年1月25日典禮的一些細節

(Some details of the Ceremony of January 25,2002 )


1) Participants

Christian Religions (see below in the Christian celebration)

Non- Christian Religions

JUDAISM 10 Delegates? — BUDDHISM 30 delegates

TENRIKYO? 4 Delegates — SHINTOISM? 7 Delegates

ISLAM?? 30 Delegates — JAINISM? 1 Delegate

SIKHISM? 6 Delegates — HINDUISM? 5 Delegates


TRADITIONAL AFRICAN RELIGIONS (including VooDoo) 3 Delegates

2) Places set aside for prayer

Lower Basilica: Christians

Sacred Convent:

Room A  Islam — Room B  Buddhism —Room C  Sikhism 

Room D  African Traditional Religions —Room E  Hinduism

Room F  Tenrikyo — Room G   Shintoism -Room H  Judaism

Room I  Zoroastrianism Janinism and Confucianism

3 ) Order of the Celebration for the Christian Religions

1。 Entrance and enthronement of the Book of the Gospels

2。 Trinitarian invocation and praise

-   The Holy Father introduces the celebration.

-   There follows an invocation to the Trinity by the Representatives of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities:

     - Representative of the Church of Scotland (English)
     - Representative of the Quakers (German)
     - Representative of the World Baptist Alliance (English)

-   The Holy Father recites a prayer.

II。 Readings and Invocations

The biblical readings will be proclaimed by:

       - Representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow (Russian)
       - Representative of the Orthodox Church of Albania (Greek)
       - Representative of the Siro-Malankara Orthodox Church (Syriac)

The invocations will be recited by:

- Representative of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria

       - Representative of the Apostolic Armenian Church (Armenian)
       - Representative of the Orthodox Church of Bulgaria (Bulgarian)
       - Representative of the Orthodox Church of Poland (Polish)
       - Representative of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch

       - Representative of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (English)
       - Representative of the World Methodist Council (English)
       - Representative of the Pentecostals (English)
       - Representative of the Disciples of Christ (English)

The prayer for peace will be recited by:

       - The Ecumenical Patriarch (Greek)
       - The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and of All the East (Arabic)
       - The Assyrian Catholicos Patriarch of the East (Assyrian)

III。 Blessing and Dismissal

The moment of prayer concludes with the Aaronic Blessing.

Three Representatives recite the three invocations:

- Representative of the Romanian Orthodox Church (Romanian)
- Representative of the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (Syrian)
- Representative of the Catholicosate of Cilicia (English)

The Holy Father reads the concluding text.